FCHOA Purchaser's Handbook - Revision Date: 2021-01-10

1. All fence locations and designs, including HVAC/trash/mechanical equipment fencing must be approved by the ARC on the site and landscaping plan. Wood or an ARC approved PVC material fencing must be of a vertical open picket design, at a height not to exceed 42 inches above grade, or 48 inches above grade per JCC code requirements for a pool. Except for the HVAC/trash fence, the open spacing between pickets shall be a width of approximately one-half the width of the picket. Picket rails shall be to the inside of the property, facing the owner’s house. 
Black metal or wrought iron fencing is acceptable at 42 or 48 inches with the design to include a single horizontal bar at the top of the fence. The Committee will entertain a 54-inch fence with the design to include two horizontal bars at the top, such as when used for a pool enclosure. 
Split-rail fencing is not appropriate except for a single short run to support roses, etc.
The ARC has a designated 6 ft. privacy fence detail for lots adjacent to public roads, such as Centerville Road, News Road and Route199.
2. Fences shall normally conform to the building setbacks unless a variance is granted by the ARC. Perimeter fences are not encouraged.  The ARC will entertain granting a variance on interior lots to a minimum of 10 ft. from the rear property line upon the condition that either natural vegetation is preserved behind the fence or landscaping shrubs are installed.  Side set back variances are usually granted only with the neighbors’ consent, however neighbors’ consent is not determining nor superseding the ARC discretion. Fences are not normally permitted in the front yard, although they are an integral part of the St. Andrew’s Courtyard Village, Killarney, Berkshire, and Turnberry concepts. Rear fencing on lots adjacent to the golf course and main streets is strongly discouraged.  However, if approved, they normally maintain a minimum of 25 feet from the rear property line, include a rear gate if on the golf course, and will be subject to additional landscape requirements on the golf course and street sides. The ARC may require additional information for golf course lots such as distance to the fairway, cart path, etc.  Restrictions on rear fencing must be considered by Property Owners that may desire a swimming pool.
3. Chain link, wire, or other utility type fences will not be approved except for limited use in very unusual circumstances. Any style of wire/filament deer fencing is not permitted.
4. Free-standing brick walls should reflect the detailing, color and character of the house.
5. The use of wood or landscaping fencing materials is recommended. Heavy stock vinyl fencing may be approved. 
6. Plywood fences, railroad ties, and other solid fencing are not acceptable.
7. Fences, other than screening for HVAC/trash, must be painted or stained white or off-white on both sides. HVAC/trash fencing, on both sides, must be painted or stained white, off-white, or an approved color to match the trim or siding. Natural wood or brown color stain is not permitted. If salt-treated material is used, a period of up to six months will be allowed before painting. The completion of all painting is required before the surety deposit is refunded.
8. Concrete and concrete block walls are unacceptable as a design element. They will not generally be approved, unless they are totally confined to areas that are not readily visible.
9. The fence style AAA in the ARC Fence Book is the most appropriate for HVAC and trash receptacle enclosures. This is a picket detail using one-inch x six-inch pickets, one-inch spacing.  Other picket details, such as alternating the pickets on both sides of the rail for air flow, are also appropriate.  The HVAC/trash fence is a full enclosure with gate access.

10.  All hot tubs shall be reasonably screened with fencing from neighbor and/or golf course views on all sides.  If the hot tub is constructed within or on the deck, the deck railing will serve the purpose for screening.  The hot tub rim shall not exceed the deck railing height. The fencing shall be painted or solid-stained white or off-white, or a color to match the trim or siding as approved by the ARC. Fencing shall be at least as high as the hot tub rim, but in no case shall the fencing or hot tub rim exceed the height limitations for fencing. Evergreen landscape shrubs may be considered due to the grade of the property and location.  The approval will be reviewed on a case by case basis.  Lattice panels may be considered for basement/porch columns to screen the tub.

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